Call for submission: Volume 5 (Extension)


Call for submission: Volume 5

Teacher Education through Flexible Learning in Africa and other Developing Contexts (TETFLE) open journal

Proposed topic: Teacher education practices in a flexible higher education environment


Prof Karen Ferreira-Meyers, Institute of Distance Education, University of Eswatini, Eswatini

Prof Lynette Jacobs, Office for International Affairs, University of the Free State, South Africa

While teacher education practices had already undergone major changes prior to the COVID-19 pandemic due to the possibilities that came with developments in the field of information and communication technologies, and the introduction of online teaching and learning, it is trite to say that the pandemic brought about further major paradigm shifts in the way prospective and in-service teachers are skilled, upskilled and reskilled. This has led to the additional blurring of the lines between so-called contact teacher education programmes and those that are described as being part of the open, distance and e-learning (ODeL) mode. Some of the changes brought about by the pandemic were temporary, while others seem to be the new trend. With the disruptions brought about due to the pandemic almost a thing of the past, it is now an opportune time to reflect on the changes and also the way forward for teacher education practices within a flexible higher education environment.

In this volume, we seek to publish articles related to the changes teacher education has undergone due to the pandemic due to the focus on innovative technology and the possible opportunities this offers to the way societies educate their prospective and in-service teachers.

As such, this special edition focuses on research and innovation with regard to teacher education practices, including:

  • Research practices
  • Academic practices
  • Assessment practices
  • Internationalisation practices
  • Practices related to teaching practice or workplace experience
  • Teaching portfolios
  • Administrative practices

Types of manuscripts sought

Volume 5 seeks to publish research contributions that discuss issues relevant to teacher education practices. Practical solutions to a variety of challenges encountered in this field, as well as more theoretical approaches to how pre- and in-service teachers could be effectively and efficiently trained in ODeL institutions, are expected to address post-pandemic teaching and learning environments. 

Proposal for manuscript

Send a proposal for a manuscript to

The proposal should include:

  1. The title
  2. A brief abstract (a maximum of 300 words), including between four and six keywords. The abstract should focus on the main content of the research (rationale, conceptual/theoretical framework, design and methodology, findings and recommendations, areas for further research and conclusion; no references should be included). Authors are also requested to visit the TETFLE website for examples of article abstracts.
  3. The author’s name(s), affiliation(s) and contact details

The closing date for the submission of a proposal is 15 December 2022. Authors will be given feedback on their proposal within three weeks of submission.

Manuscript submission instructions

If an abstract is accepted, manuscripts for this special issue will be submitted through the TETFLE online submission system.

When submitting your manuscript, please include a note in the comments field that you wish it to be considered for TETFLE Volume 5.

Carefully review the author’s guidelines and submission preparation checklist, and prepare your manuscript accordingly.

Information about the peer review process and criteria is also available on the platform.

Planned publication date

Timeline: Call for papers

1. Abstract

1.1 First call for abstracts 

15 November 2022


1.2 Second call for abstracts

02 February 2023


1.3 Closing date: Submission of abstracts

08 February 2023


1.4 Feedback on submitted abstracts

Latest 21 February 2023


2. Manuscript

2.1 Invitation to submit manuscript for review

Latest 21 February 2023


2.2 Closing date for manuscript submission

22 March 2023 

2.3 Accepted manuscripts to be published
September 2023




Volume 4 is in progress and will be available in April 2023.