About the Journal
The Teacher Education through Flexible Learning in Africa (TETFLE) and other developing contexts online journal is a refereed, open-access e-journal that publishes original research on distance teacher education in Africa.
TETFLE aims to create a platform for researchers and practitioners on glocal matters that relate to distance teacher education on the continent. Publications cover issues of content, pedagogical consideration, technology and management in distance education. Exemplar papers with rigour showing research evidence are most appreciated.
TETFLE also publishes review articles and book reviews.
TETFLE currently appears once in a year, with an additional special edition from accepted biennial conference papers, as applicable.
The journal is the official journal of the Distance Education and Teachers’ Training in Africa (DETA) biennial conference, hosted by the Faculty of Education, University of Pretoria, South Africa.
TETFLE is indexed by the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).
TETFLE Publication Fee
The TETFLE journal charges a publication fee of R3 000 (Three Thousand Rand). This excludes VAT for authors from South Africa. The current US Dollar rate applies. This fee is charged after the manuscript has been accepted for publication. The author(s) will be duly informed when to make payment. Published articles are accessed by users without fees on the website.
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Research Articles
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