JSAA 2023 - Two calls for papers - Vol. 11(1) "Ten Years of JSAA" and Vol. 11(2) Community Engagement and Student Affairs


Here are the two full calls for papers.

Call for Papers (1) : Journal of Student Affairs in Africa, 2023, JSAA 11(1)

Ten Years of Research on Student Affairs in Africa – scholarship, theory, practice and reflection

In 2013, the Journal of Student Affairs in Africa launched with the double issue “The professionalization of Student Affairs in Africa”. Three years later JSAA became formally  accredited by the South African Department of Higher Education and Training as subsidy generating journal. Over the last ten years, the Journal has published ten volumes, twenty issues, and over 200 research articles, reflective practice articles, campus reports, and book reviews, which have been cited over 1275 times (as per Google Scholar, October 2022).

To commemorate the Journal’s achievements and the decadal milestone, the Editorial Executive of the JSAA calls for papers that take stock of the last ten years of research, scholarship, theory and practice reflection, and publication on Student Affairs in Africa. Through the tenth anniversary we seek papers that will analyse  changes in the profession and its professionalization in Africa; and  reflect on the emergence of this domain. In essence, we  asks the question, where is African Student Affairs in 2023?

Articles for this commemorative anniversary issue of JSAA may be theoretical, empirical and case studies, or practice-relevant reflective contributions. They may deal with Student Affairs in Africa or beyond, Student Affairs as a profession in Africa or in a comparative framework, and with any specific aspect related to the profession, professionalisation, and professionalism. Contributions may want to engage with the ten-year theme particularly by referring to trends over time, the status quo, or compare developments in different contexts over time. More particularly, we invite articles on the following:

  • Critical contributions engaging with the notions of profession, professionalization, and professionalism, their meanings in relation to the practice of Student Affairs, changes thereof, and related processes and developments within Africa
  • Explorations of the nexus of Student Affairs theory, policy and practice in the African context
  • Explorations of professional trends, professional development and academic programmes and qualifications related to Student Affairs in Africa and beyond
  • Critical analyses of the Student Affairs profession in the African context, including critical contributions that employ decolonial, intersectional, and Fallist lenses
  • High level reflective practitioner accounts that make a contribution to understanding the profession within the African context.

We also welcome papers that specifically deal with JSAA per se such as articles that examine the articles published in the JSAA over the last ten years and analyse them thematically or in terms of the services and functions they refer to, their scope, theoretical framework, methodology, and so forth, or their authorship, use/citations, and references. The Editors will be able to provide full datasets of the articles to interested researchers.

About JSAA

JSAA is an independent, peer-reviewed, multi-disciplinary, open access academic journal that publishes scholarly research and reflective discussions about the theory and practice of Student Affairs in African higher education. JSAA is published twice a year by the JSAA Editorial Executive in collaboration with the University of Pretoria and African Minds publisher. The journal is full-text hosted on the website of the University of Pretoria at https://upjournals.up.ac.za/index.php/jsaa, as well as co-hosted by AJOL, DOAJ, and ERIC, and indexed in international indices including BASE, InfoBase Index, WorldCat Libraries, Sherpa/Romeo, and Google Scholar. The IBI Factor for JSAA is 2.2 (2019).

JSAA is accredited by the South African Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) as a subsidy-earning journal on the SA list of scholarly journals. Authors publish free of charge; there are no processing or page fees.

Submission Process and Important Dates

  • Submission of full papers to the JSAA journal management system by: 31 January 2023
  • Response from editors / vetting process to authors: 28 February 2023
  • Submission of revisions 1 from authors: 31 March 2023
  • Peer review process: April 2023
  • Submissions final corrected manuscripts (revisions 2) from authors: 31 May 2023  
  • Publication of JSAA Vol. 11 Issue 1: 31 July 2023

JSAA uses APA7 referencing style. Please consult the JSAA Authors Guidelines for information about formatting etc. https://upjournals.up.ac.za/index.php/jsaa/about/submissions

To submit your paper please register and submit at https://upjournals.up.ac.za/index.php/jsaa

Please direct any queries to:


Call for Papers (2): Guest edited issue of JSAA 11(2), 2023

“Towards Engaged and Student-Centred African Universities”

How does an engaged, student-centred African university look? What theories and practices, implicit and excplicit, are characteristic of engaged, student-centred universities relevant to the African context?

In the context of the ongoing expansion of higher education in South Africa and Africa, student interventions to advance transformation and decolonisation, and the recent experience of the Covid-19 pandemic, disruption, innovation, and complexity have greatly intensified in higher educaiton. The increasingly hy-flex provision of education further requires the centring of students and student support and other aspects of student success; it places technology-based learning and development in the spotlight and the centre of the university; and it prompts a renewed commitment to the social responsiveness of the university, its embeddedness within local communities, anchoring role in its location, and overall progressive role in advancing development and social justice. Understanding how these complex demands involved in notions of engagement and student-centredness interact with the leadership and management of universities, Student Affairs, and student development and success, what critical interventions and concrete experiences have been observed, and how they may be relevant to the development of engaged and student-centred African universities, are crucial dimensions of the current conversation in Student Affairs in Africa. 

This guest-edited issue of the Journal of Student Affairs in Africa (JSAA) is edited and published in association with Universities South Africa (USAf) and the South African Council on Higher Education (CHE). The issue builds on the joint USAf/CHE National Higher Education Conferences of 2021 and 2022. The USAF/CHE National Higher Education Conference of October 2021 focused on “The Engaged University” and for 2022, the USAf/CHE Higher Education Conference focuses on “Student-centred Higher Education”. The proposed JSAA guest-edited issue will source papers primarily, but not only, from the two USAf/CHE conferences. Other research-based papers that fit the topic of the guest-edited issue will also be considered.

The papers for the JSAA guest-edited issue may be theoretical, empirical and case studies or practice-relevant reflective contributions broadly dealing with the Student Affairs and relevant dimension of university community engagement and student-centredness. The following provides a select list of Student Affairs topics within the scope of this JSAA issue:

  • Student civic engagement, volunteerism, give-back
  • Community engagement, social responsiveness, university anchoring
  • Citizenship development, student leadership development, student movement
  • Student governance, student organisations, student life
  • Career development, entrepreneurship development
  • Student development theory, student engagement, student experiences
  • Higher education funding, student finances and financial aid
  • Student communities, student living and learning
  • Disability, diversity and inclusion
  • Equity and social and epistemological access
  • Student life cycle, student orientation, student transitions, transitions to livelihoods

Furthermore, the editors invite contributions that particularly advance African theory development and practice-relevant knowledge of Student Affairs in Africa with respect to:

  • Critical and theorical explorations and engagements with the notions of the African university, community engagement, student-centredness, and related notions
  • Decolonial, intersectional, and Fallist deconstructions and critiques of, and contributions to notions of engagement, student-centredness, the African university, social responsisveness, community engagement and related notions.

About JSAA

JSAA is an independent, peer-reviewed, multi-disciplinary, open access academic journal that publishes scholarly research and reflective discussions about the theory and practice of Student Affairs in African higher education. JSAA is published twice a year by the JSAA Editorial Executive in collaboration with the University of Pretoria and African Minds publisher. The journal is full-text hosted on the website of the University of Pretoria at https://upjournals.up.ac.za/index.php/jsaa, as well as co-hosted by AJOL, DOAJ, and ERIC, and indexed in international indices including BASE, InfoBase Index, WorldCat Libraries, Sherpa/Romeo, and Google Scholar. The IBI Factor for JSAA is 2.2 (2019).

JSAA is accredited by the South African Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) as a subsidy-earning journal on the SA list of scholarly journals. Authors publish free of charge; there are no processing or page fees.

Submission Process and Important Dates

  • Abstract proposals (ca. 500 words): 28 February 2023
  • Response on abstracts to authors:  31 March 2023
  • Full papers due for editorial vetting and peer review: 15 June 2023
  • Responses from editors / peer review process: 15 June – 31 July 2023
  • Revisions from authors: 31 August 2023
  • Galley proofs: 15 November 23
  • Publication of guest-edited issue (JSAA Vol. 11 Issue 2) December 2023

JSAA uses APA7 referencing style. Please consult the JSAA Authors Guidelines for information about formatting etc. https://upjournals.up.ac.za/index.php/jsaa/about/submissions

Please direct any queries and submit abstracts by email to Dr Somarie Holtzhausen: holtzhsm@ufs.ac.za

Guest editors

Prof. Thierry M. Luescher (HSRC/NMU) and Dr. Somarie Holtzhausen (UFS)
in collaboration with Prof. Andre Keet (NMU) and Dr. Bernadette Johnson (WITS).