Student Affairs and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - Global Study


Dear JSAA Editors, Authors and Readers, Colleagues, and Friends:

Please participate in this research to understand if, how, and why student affairs and services (SAS) and their institutions are supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The survey is designed to be completed by those who work in student affairs, services, and support roles. The first page will be the informed consent information.Specifically, we want to learn more from our colleagues on their opinions, thoughts, programs, and work with students on the SDGs.

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide a noble vision of student affairs professionals’ commitment to student success, social justice, life-long learning, compassion and leadership, and global citizenship. The SDGs may or may not be a concept you are familiar with, hence we ask that you consider participating in this study to assist in providing a clearer perspective on this topic worldwide. This research will help to support new practices to make the SDGs more visible in SAS.

We hope you will take some time (about 15 minutes) to complete this important survey. The survey is designed to be completed by those who work in student affairs, services, and support roles. The first page will be the informed consent information.

If you are an IASAS member and have received a personalized link, you do not need to participate again. Yet, please share the following link with others, as it is our goal to have broad global participation.

Thank you so much for your participation! We believe in the power of youth and the importance of educating and empowering students about the SDGs so our students can be part of the solution for a more equitable planet.
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact any of us. Thank you again!

Lisa Bardill Moscaritolo, UAE,
Birgit Schreiber, Germany,
Brett Perozzi, USA,
Thierry M Luescher, South Africa,