Discovery of the Zimbabwe Ruins
Merensky, A, Ruins of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe, Mauch, Zimbabwe ruinsAbstract
The statement by "D.M.H." (Historia Junior, 27, August, 1963)that the Zimbabwe Ruins were discovered by Adam Renders in 1868,cannot be sustained in the face of evidence from early accounts.One of the few substantially correct versions in English- of the difj-~ovelY is by Summers in a recent publication}Events leading to the discovery might well be summarised here morefully, since the main sources are evidently not readily accessible to thosewho write on the subject.During the first three years after his arrival in the Eastern Transvaalin April, 1860, thc Rev. A. Merensky (father of Dr. H. Merensky ofplatinum and diamond fame) heard m~ny stories about ruins of stonenorth of the Limpopo. He tried to obtain more information from elephanthunters and the indigenous people, and although everyone who had travelledin the north knew about these old structures, the information was vague.2Among Merensky's informants was a Lekwapa (Shangaan), namedMalema, who had seen the ruins while acting as a bearer to a Portuguesetrader, but he was afraid to venture closely.3The Rev. Merensky and his colleague, the Rev. Nachtigal, left theirMission Station in July, 1862, to reconnoitre on foot the land to thenorth, setting as their ultimate objective the Ruins of Zimbabwe. Merensky'sdetailed report of this ,journey, evidently compiled from a diary after hisreturn, is quoted by Wangemann.4South-east of the present Tzaneen they obtained from Serobane, alocal chief, the services of Makeritsane, to guide them across the Limpopoto the "ruins of old buildings", from which country Makeritsane emanated.On reaching the Venda, east of the present Louis Trichardt, the partyfound the people suffering from small-pox, and also learnt that there wasno epidemic-free passage to the north. Reluctantly they abandoned theirobjective, and returned to Sekukuniland, where Chief Sekukuni told themof extensive ruins, which he had seen in the country they had intendedvisiting, during his wanderings with his fathel (Sekwati) as fugitives(from Mzilikazi).5When the German traveller, Karl Mauch, heard about these ruinsfrom Merensky in 1867, they agreed upon a joint visit to the legendaryold buildings.