In defence of dr.George McCall Theal : a reply to miss Merle Babrow
Dundas, George McCall Theal, Hottentot pandours, Merle BabrowAbstract
For the typing errors in my article in Historia of March 1964, I apologise; but for the great admiration I have for Dr. George McCall Theal there is certainly no need to apologise, and therefore I wish to answer Miss Babrow on the questions she raised in her reply to me. Having read the documents which were quoted in. extenso in my article, Miss Babrow is still of opinion that "Theal's claim that annoyance had been caused by the use of the church for Hottentot pandours, (Thea! (c) p. 76-7) is also untrue." The use of "also" in a footnote gave rise to confusion. If Miss Babrow did not intend this to be read in connection with the statement qualified by the footnote, as I did, she should have incorporated it in the body of the textDownloads
How to Cite
In defence of dr.George McCall Theal : a reply to miss Merle Babrow. (2021). Historia, 10(1).