Book Reviews
1. R. Floud: An Introduction to Quantitative Methods for Historians
2. J. A. Faber: Drie eeuwen Friesland
3. E. M. W. Tillyard: The Elizabethan World Picture
4. C. H. Price: George Rex, King or Esquire?
5. B. B. Cohen: Writing about Literature
6. B. Kearney: Architecture in Natal from 1824 tot 1893
7. M. C. Kitshoff: Gottlieb Wilhelm Antony van der Lingen
8. E. C. Tabler: Pioneers of South West Africa and Ngamiland
9. H. Levin: The Myth of the Golden Age in the Renaissance
10. Van Stamverwante Bodem deur dr. J. Ploeger