Book Reviews
1. A. DE V. MINNAAR, Graaff-Reinet 1786-1986, Human Sciences Research Council, Pretoria, 1987, 188pp., illus., maps, index, bibl.
2. JAMES COCHRANE, Serllants of Power: The Role of English-speaking Churches in South Africa, 1903-1930, Ravan Press, Johannesburg, 1987, xiii + 278 pp., bibl., index.
3. D W VAN DER MERWE, "Die Berlynse Sendinggenootskap en kerkstigting in Transvaal 1904-1962", Pretoria, ArgiefJaarboek vir S.A. Geskiedenis, Jrg 50, Dl. 2, 1987, 179 pp., illus.
4. ANDRE WESSELS, Suid-Afrikaanse verhandelinge en proefskrifte oor die geskiedenis van die Anglo-Boere-oorlog: 'n bronnestudie, Raad vir Geesteswetenskaplike Navorsing, Pretoria 1987, 37 pp
5. A J BOESE KEN Ired.), Uit die Raad vanjustisie, 1652-1672, (Belangrike Kaapse Dokumente, Deel III), Staatsdrukker, Pretoria, 1986, xlviii + 433 pp., bronnelys, indeks
6. CAREL BIRKBY, Uncle George, The Boer boyhood, letters and battles of Lt.-Gen. George Edwin Brink, Jonathan Ball, Johannesburg, 1987,282 pp., illus., index, bibl., R39,95 + GST.
7. MICHAEL BARTHORP, The Anglo-Boer Wars 1815-1902, Blandford Press, Dorset, England & Bok Books International, Durban, 176 pp
8. JOHN LANG, Bullion johannesburg, Johannesburg, Jonathan Ball, 1986, xv + 509 pp., illus., bibl., index.
9. C J BEYERS jHoofredakteur! en J L BASSON (Mederedakteur!, Suid-Afrikaanse Biogra/iese Woorde- boek, Deel V, RGN, Pretoria, 1987,962 pp., indeks, R65,50 + AVB.
10. KEVIN SHILLINGTON, The colonisation of the Southern Tswana 1870 -1900, Ravan Press, Johannesburg, 1985, xxi + 311 pp., illus., bibl.
11. PH R SNYMAN, Olifantshoek: Oase van die Langberg. R G N, Plaaslike Geskiedenis Nr 3, Pretoria, 1986, 157 pp., bibliografie, illustrasies
12. J.H. ELLIOT, The Count-Duke of Olivares. The Statesman in an Age of Decline. Yale University Press, New Haven & London, 1986, xix + 707 pp., kaarte, illus., bibl., indeks.
13. E.I. KOURI and TOM SCOTT leds.), Politics and Society in Reformation Europe: Essays for Sir Geoffrey Elton on his sixty-fifth birthday, MacMillan Press, Basingstoke, 1987, xix + 568 pp., maps, index
14. MARK H. LYTLE, The Origins of the Iranian-American Alliance, 1941-1953, Holmes & Meier, New York, 1987, xxi + 239 pp., maps, bibl., index