A British citizen in the Orange Free State during the Anglo-Boer War 1899-1900


  • Fransjohan Pretorius


anglo-boer war, 1899-1900, South Africa, Orange Free State, Charlie Moses, Historia, Maurice Charles Moses, diary


Hierdie artikel is die dagboek van Charlie Moses, 'n Britse burger en bankamptenaar wat in die eerste sewe maande van die Anglo-Boereoorlog in Lindley in die Oranje-Vrystaat vasgekeer was. Die dagboek, wat deur Fransjohan Pretorius geannoteer is, is in die vorm van 'n brief aan sy vader in Engeland, en dek die tydperk 12 November 1899 tot 9 Mei 1900. Dit gee insae in die ervarings van Moses as geviktimiseerde Britse burger in 'n Boeredorp en sy siening van die Boere, en verwys na al die belangrikste gebeure van die tydperk soos hy dit uit amptelike en nie-amptelike oorlogsberigte aan Boerekant verneem het. Die Britse besetting van Lindley op 17 Mei 1900 stel Moses in staat om na Engeland terug te keer. 

This article is the diary of Charlie Moses, a British citizen and bank official, who was trapped in Lindley in the Orange Free State during the first seven months of the Anglo-Boer War. The diary, annotated by Fransjohan Pretorius, is in the form of a letter from Moses to his father in England, and covers the period 12 November 1899 to 19 May 1900. It gives insight into the writer's view of the Boers and his experiences as a victimized British citizen in a Boer town. It relates all the major events of the period as gleaned from official and unofficial Boer war reports. The British occupation of Lindley on 17 May 1900 meant that Moses was able to return to England. 







How to Cite

CAUGHT UP IN THE CROSS-FIRE: A British citizen in the Orange Free State during the Anglo-Boer War 1899-1900. (2021). Historia, 43(1).