Maintaining a British way of life: English-speaking South Africa’s Patriotic, Cultural and Charitable Associations


  • John Lambert


British Empire Service League, Britishness, brotherhood, Caledonian societies, charity, culture, English-speaking South Africans, First World War, Freemasons, Guild of Loyal Women, imperialism, MOTHs, patriotic, cultural and charitable associations, patriotism, Protestantism, Second World War, Sons of England, South Africanism, sport, Britsheid, broederskap, Caledoniese Verenigings, Eerste Wêreldoorlog, Engelssprekende Suid-Afrikaners, imperialisme, kultuur, liefdadigheid, patriotiese, kulturele en liefdadigheidsorganisasies, patriotisme, Protestantisme, Suid-Afrikanisme, Tweede Wêreldoorlog, Vrymesselaars



As part of on-going research on the history of white English-speaking South Africans, this article examines the role played by a number of patriotic, cultural and charitable associations in the lives of English-speakers during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Most of the associations were transplanted to South Africa from the United Kingdom or from Canada and they were firmly grounded in the British and imperial ethos that was so marked a feature of the group. The article examines the establishment and growth of the associations and shows how they flourished during the years of British paramountcy in the sub continent and during times of crisis such as the two World Wars. It then examines the reasons for a decline in association membership from the middle of the twentieth century.





Die behoud van ƌ Britse lewenswyse: Engelssprekende Suid-Afrikaners se Patriotiese, Kulturele en Liefdadigheidsverenigings

As deel van voortgesette navorsing oor die geskiedenis van wit, Engelssprekende Suid-Afrikaners, ondersoek hierdie artikel die rol wat ƌ aantal patriotiese, kulturele en liefdadigheidsverenigings in die negentiende en twintigste eeu in die lewens van Engelssprekendes gespeel het. Die meeste van hierdie verenigings is uit die Verenigde Koninkryk of Kanada na Suid-Afrika oorgeplant, en hulle fondasies was deeglik in die Britse en imperiale etos gevestig – ƌ kenmerkende eienskap van die groep. Die artikel ondersoek die stigting en groei van die verenigings, en dui aan tot watter mate hulle gedurende die jare van Britse oppergesag oor die sub-kontinent, asook gedurende krisistye soos die twee Wêreldoorloë, gedy het. Dit ondersoek dan ook redes waarom lidmaatskap van die verenigings van die middel van die twintigste eeu afgeneem het.







How to Cite

Maintaining a British way of life: English-speaking South Africa’s Patriotic, Cultural and Charitable Associations. (2021). Historia, 54(2).