Britain, South Africa and the Commonwealth in 1960. The "winds of change" re-assessed
Michael Makin, Britain, South Africa, Winds of Change, February 1960, Commonwealth, apartheid, United Party, Hendrick Verwoerd, high commissionAbstract
Brittanje, Suid-Afrika en die Statebond in 1960. 'n Herwaardering van die "winde van verandering" -toespraak Hierdie artikel ondersoek die belangrikheid van Harold Macmillan se besoek aan Suid Afrika in Februarie 1960, asook sy "winde van verandering" -toespraak, in die lig van Suid Afrika se lidmaatskap van die Statebond. Dit verduidelik die konteks en agtergrond van Britse beleid ten opsigte van Suid Afrika in die jare 1958-1961, asook sommige van die politieke en diplomatieke faktore wat die Britse reaksie ten opsigte van Hendrik Verwoerd se republikeinse veldtog bepaal het. Dit word beklemtoon dat Macmillan se poging om Suid Afrika in die Statebond te hou beteken het dat hy versigtig moes optree as dit sou kom by faktore soos Verwoerd se republikeinse veldtog en die swart Suid Afrikaanse afwesigheid in so 'n veldtog. Die "winde van verandering" -toespraak was eerder 'n vriendelike waarskuwing as 'n Britse dreigement van moontlike weerhouding van steun vir wit Suid Afrika.
This article discusses the significance, in terms of South Africa's membership of the Commonwealth, of Harold Macmillan's visit to South Africa and his "Winds of Change"speech to the South African Parliament in February 1960. It explains the context and background of British policy towards South Africa in the years 1958-1961 in the light of Verwoerd's republican campaign and notes some of the political and diplomatic factors which determined the British response to the republican campaign. It is noted that Macmillan's determination to keep South Africa in the Commonwealth meant that he had to tread softly when it came to issues such as Verwoerd's republican campaign and the issue of black South African non-participation in such a campaign. The "Winds of Change" speech was more of a gentle warning to Verwoerd than a British threat of possible withdrawal of support for white South Africa.